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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Brian's Believers Bike Rally & Raffle Benefit 9/20/2014

This fundraiser is to benefit the Brian Thomsen Benefit Fund. Brian has been battling cancer for the last 7 years. He is in extreme need of life-saving treatments which is very expensive. Please come out and join us in support of Brian and this great cause!

If you are unable to attend and would like to contribute, please visit one of the sites listed below:

You can also visit us on Facebook for more information on the event:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Help Brian Get The JUNK Out!!!

Brian Thomsen is a single father battling an extremely rare form of cancer (JUNK).  Diagnosed 7 years ago as stage 4, he is still fighting for his life!  Insurance coverage, prescriptions, job loss, and experimental treatments (not covered by insurance) have left him financially devastated.  Some family members and friends have been doing what they can to help him out financially, but it is not enough.
Having developed treatment induced leukemia last year, as a result of his initial chemotherapy, he underwent a bone marrow/stem cell transplant in July of 2013.  He had endured several rounds of chemo and 3 very expensive immunotherapy treatments before this setback.  Progress had been very positive; his own immune system was killing off the cancer.  Now, as a result of the transplant, his immune system has been replaced by that of the donor.  He has to start the immunotherapy process over.  The good news is that the doctors are very optimistic about this course of treatment.
The cost of these treatments has risen.  The Sarcoma Foundation and the National Cancer Institute are covering 80% of the cost.  Brian’s share of this will be just under $20,000 per treatment.  Time is critical at this point; the 3 immunotherapy treatments need to start immediately, and must be administered 6 weeks apart.  In addition, he needs a lot of medications, and the health coverage he has only covers 4 prescriptions per month.  This doesn’t even scratch the surface of what he needs, so he has done without.  It is very detrimental to his overall health.  During all of this, he is not able to work, so his income is seriously limited.

We have created 2 options for making online donations:

Brian needs these treatments to survive so Please do what you can to help! No amount is too small!

Thank you for your generosity!!!

Brian's Believers