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Monday, December 20, 2010

Treatment Unsuccessful

The antibody treatment Brian started a couple weeks ago did not work as intended. It was attacking both good and bad cells alike causing more problems than help. There is another type of this therapy that could potentially work but it carries considerable cost. We are in the process of trying to locate and/or raise the funds needed for this treatment. We have received confirmed support from the NCI and SFA but we are still roughly $18,000 short. If any of you know of anyone who would be willing to help, please send us a message at

Thank you all for your support!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Treatment

Today Brian is starting an experimental antibody treatment. The doctors are hoping this will help to combat the cancer in his lymph nodes and lung. The tumor located in his hand has diminished from the chemotherapy administered over the past few months. The doctors feel he has had about all of the chemo he can have and since the chemo has had no affect on the new found cancer, this may help target those areas. We will update with more information as soon as it becomes available.

Thank all for your continued prayers and support!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Round 5 Complete!!!

Today Brian completed round 5 of my chemotherapy! He is at Northwestern receiving Nuelasta & having more tests. His doctors found more cancer in lymph nodes & left lung after his last scans. The upside is the doctors feels they caught it in the early stages and the tumor in my hand had shrunk considerably. I will update again with more information soon.

Thank you all for your prayers!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brian's Believers Golf Benefit

Thank you all for your help in making the benefit a success!  It was so wonderful seeing all of you! I was very touched by all of the love and support you all have shown me. It was a night I will never forget.

Thanks again!!!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Believers stand by Waukegan man :: News Sun :: News

Believers stand by Waukegan man :: News Sun :: News

August 9, 2010
By DIANA KUYPER Special to The News-Sun

Brian's Believers, a group of supportive family and friends of Waukegan resident Brian Thomsen, is organizing a golf benefit for him as today he starts another round of chemotherapy for epithelioid sarcoma, a rare form of soft-tissue cancer.

Brian is Mary and Thomas Thomsen's 38-year-old son. Mary is organizing the fund-raiser, scheduled Sept. 17, seeking golfers and donors for the First Annual Brian's Believers Golf Benefit and Auction at Antioch Golf Club. Registration for golfers starts at noon, and a reception follows at 6:30 pm.

Mary said organizing the golf outing is a new way to help her son.

"I am at wit's end looking for ways to help him. It is so hard when you see your child suffering," she said.

Brian was diagnosed with stage 4 epithelioid sarcoma three years ago. He went through an aggressive treatment plan of chemotherapy, radiation and three operations that resulted in amputation of two fingers and part of the palm on his left hand.

"Brian was cancer-free for almost 10 months," said Mary, explaining the cancer most commonly attacks young adults, is very aggressive and often returns.

Now the cancer has returned in his arm and hand, and he could lose his arm, said Mary. In the meantime, he lost his technical support position with a company in Mundelein. He was on disability, but company policy resulted in his termination after he was on disability for six months. He moved back in with his parents, and they are struggling to cover the $1,500 monthly premium for COBRA insurance coverage in addition to other medical expenses not covered by insurance.

"We are making it, but just barely because we are all struggling financially," said Mary, 74, living on Social Security with her husband.

Brian's Believers was the name used for a group of his supporters for their Relay for Life team. Made up of a group of friends and family, the members decided a golf outing could be a good fund-raiser.

"We have had great encouragement from the staff at Antioch Golf Club. Now we are looking for participants and sponsors, including event and hole sponsors, and we are trying to set up auctions and raffles, so we are looking for auction and raffle donations," Mary said.

Sponsorships are available starting at $100 for hole sponsors up to $1,000 for event sponsors. A $100 registration fee per golfer includes 18 holes of golf, a cart and a cocktail reception at 6:30 pm.

For more information, visit Donations may be sent to Brian J. Thomsen Benefit Fund, 933 North Ave., Waukegan, IL 60085. Phone: (866) 221-7113.

Diana Kuyper's column appears Mondays and Friday. You can email her at dkuyper4760@

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brian's Believers Golf Benefit & Auction

Brian was diagnosed with Stage 4 Epithelioid Sarcoma in July 2007. He went through an aggressive treatment plan which included chemotherapy, radiation and 3 operations resulting in amputation of his 4th and 5th fingers and part of his palm on his left hand. Brian was cancer free for almost 10 months until the cancer returned earlier this year. Brian has undergone additional radiation and experimental chemotherapy treatments. He may also require additional operations. Anyone who has had cancer or knows someone who has, understands what a difficult journey this is, not just for Brian but his family and friends as well.

Together Brian's family and friends have organized The 1st Annual "Brian's Believers" Golf Benefit and Auction. The event is scheduled for September 17, 2010 at Antioch Golf Club in Antioch, IL. It will be a 1:00 pm Shotgun Start and reception immediately following at 6:30 pm. Cocktails, Hors D' Oeuvres, Music & Live Auctions. All proceeds raised will go towards Brian's continuing costs of medical expenses. With the support of the community, we hope to raise a significant amount of money to help support Brian in his battle with cancer.

We will be taking direct donations via Paypal (see link to the right) to help Brian and his family. 100% of all donations from this blog will go directly to Brian.

Thank you for your generosity and continued support!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Brian's Believers Golf Benefit & Auction
933 North Ave. Waukegan, IL 60085
Phone: (866) 221-7113 Fax: (866) 221-7113

Attached are the sign up forms for the 1st Annual "Brian's Believers" Golf Benefit & Auction. By clicking on the images above, each form will open in a new window and allow for printing. Please return all completed registration forms, donation forms and payments payable to the Brian J Thomsen Benefit Fund by September 10th 2010. We are accepting registration by mail, email, fax and online at the "Brian's Believers" website. Your help and participation is greatly appreciated!